After a very difficult year we have turned our attention to finding something we can do to try to make a difference. Just one small act of support or kindness ripples out and has far reaching effects.
Something close to our hearts here at Nature’s First Aid is a charity called Safeline, and we have decided to help raise funds to promote their profile.
Safeline’s mission is to provide specialist support for anyone affected by the impact of sexual abuse and mental health issues. The charity supports anyone affected directly or indirectly and helps them to make empowered choices about their lives.
Safeline has received recognition for their National Male survivor helpline, providing immediate emotional support and advice to men and boys affected by sexual abuse and rape. We have decided to contribute to Safeline with each order that comes in. For every order over £30 we will contribute £1.
We will also be introducing a kit that has been specifically created for Safeline. It is called "Nature’s Safeline Kit” of which 10% will go straight to the charity. The kits are made up of oils that promote hope, positivity and safety. The oils included are Hope, Peace, Balance and Ylang Ylang.
pSome people are going through the aftermath of sexual assault and some need protection. It is crucial we recognise the importance of mental health this winter and with the help of organisations like Safeline people can find the support they need. Please contact Safeline if you are in need of help, they can provide you with advice or just a kind voice at the end of the phone. For more information please visit their website here. Tel : 0 1 9 2 6 4 0 2 4 9 8
Safeline provides counsellors, like my sister Emma, who volunteers for Safeline, to support the wellbeing of survivors. They also provide professional services to support families, groups and training for carers. Now Safeline is more relevant than ever and the demand for work in the community is high. The lethal cocktail of being in lockdown and mental health issues has put many people’s coping mechanisms under strain. With your help we would like to show our appreciation of the hard work Safeline is doing to support people at this difficult time by giving a donation on the link below. https://www.justgiving.com/safeline-warwickltd
'There to help...'
'Believe in you'
For more information please visit their website. Tel : 0 1 9 2 6 4 0 2 4 9 8.
As always stay safe, positive and happy, Love Nature’s First Aid
photo credits @zacdurant @stephenleonardi @kiendo @yuriykovalev