"How to use essential oils"

How to use "Nature's first aid" essential oils
Nature’s First Aid is a A Doterra Wellness advocate.
Below are suggested ways of how to use the oils and it is important to stress these are not “off the shelf” oils but therapeutically graded 100% pure essential oils.
The original way you might have heard about taking essential oils is through taking a pill and can be found in tablets like Kalms that have Lavender essential oil. Ingested the oil is broken down by the stomach acids before it passes through the liver and then enters the blood stream.
Again, it is very important to only take therapeutic graded oils like Doterra which are 100% pure. Not all essentials oils can be taken internally so please always look at the directions.
The oils can be taken in a veggie capsule. (if requested I can include 2 in your kit) 2 to 4 drops of essential oils added to a carrier oils like olive, rapeseed and fractionated coconut oil.
Another way is the French method where by 2-4 drops can be added to a tea spoon of honey in tea or water.
My personal preference is to use the oils in my cooking, we are selling
Lastly, I recommend using a toothpick to dip into the oils and mix with a glass of water to make a tasteful and healthy drink. For example, the refreshing flavour of Lemon in cold water or the healing qualities of Peppermint or Ginger in a hot drink.
Applying to the skin. Not everything we put on our bodies are absorbed, but essential oils are! Essential oils have a very small size of molecule so it can pass through the pores of our skin and eventually get into our blood stream. It is important to think about the purity of the products we put on our skin and what is absorbed into our bodies. Again, that is why Doterra has a high standard of graded oils.
Massage a few drops into the body with a body lotion or carrier oils like almond or fractionated coconut oil.
Please do not apply directly to the skin until you know which oils work for you.
A good ratio dosage is one teaspoon of carrier oil to 2 drops of essential oil.
All pressure points are good, the wrists, the back of the neck and the soles of the feet.
I personally use peppermint oil rubbed into my temples to relieve stress or a headache.
As quickly as in 10 seconds essential oils can work by breathing in through the nose up to the limbic part of the brain where we process emotions. Here it is going to effect the production of serotonin and other hormones. They take effect almost immediately. Scents can create a powerful story that can effect our emotions in a positive way very quickly.
Simply inhale the scent from a few drops placed in palms of your hands or use with a diffuser (which we sell via the website) or our diffuser bracelet or necklace.
Lastly the perfect combination is a soothing bath, not only to smell the essential oils but for them to be absorbed into the body in a relaxing environment.
For any more information on how to use our oils please get in touch. We also offer a personal service where you can call or email us with your requests and we then personalise the kits to suit your needs.
Of course, stay safe, positive and happy, love Nature's First Aid