Nature's De-Stress Kit

  • £35.00

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This kit is designed to have with you at all times. A natural and Eco friendly remedy to help physical and emotional wellbeing through stressful times. The essential oils are 100% pure so you only need to use a small amount. Please use with a carrier oil like coconut before applying directly to the skin. Nature's first aid, using herbal remedies and the natural medical properties found in plants. Directions inside.



- Aids a sense of worth, clarity, forgiveness and self purpose.

- Place 1-2 drops under the tongue or rub onto the bottom of the feet.

Contains copaiba essential oil.


- Aids a sense of enlightenment, love, wisdom and safety.

- Apply 1-2 drops to the bottom of the feet, or place 1 drop at the roof of your mouth.

Contains frankincense essential oil.


- Aids a sense of peace, serenity and spiritual connection.

- Massage a drop into your temples or rub into the back of your neck.

Contains laurel, eucalyptus, peppermint, melaleuca, lemon, cardamon and ravensara essential oils.

Wild Orange:

- Aids a sense of peace, relaxation and abundance. 

- Rub 1-2 drops into palms and inhale deeply.

Contains wild orange essential oil.


Bottle Size: 1/4 (1ml) Four Dram Bottles
Leather Pouch Size: 9.5cm x 5cm x 2.5cm